Important Deadlines

Full Paper Submission

August 15, 2024

Acceptance Notification

September 20, 2024

Camera Ready Papers Due

October 01, 2024

Paper Registration Due

October 01, 2024

Conference Dates

21 - 23 November, 2024

Publication & Indexing

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in Springer.


Track 1. Artificial Intelligence

  • Large Language Models
  • General AI
  • Self-Supervised Learning
  • Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Transformers in Vision
  • Federated Learning
  • Quantum Machine Learning
  • AI Ethics and Fairness
  • AI in Edge Computing
  • Neurosymbolic AI
  • Multimodal AI Systems
  • AI for Climate Change
  • Reinforcement Learning Advances
  • AI in Healthcare Diagnostics
  • Predictive Analytics
  • AI-Powered Robotics
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Explainable AI
  • AI in Cybersecurity

Track 2. Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Industry 4.0
  • Smart Transportation Systems
  • Software Architecture and Middleware
  • Context-Awareness and Location-Awareness
  • Performance Evaluation and Modeling
  • Networking and Communication Protocols
  • Machine to Machine Communications
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Software Engineering for IoT and IoE
  • Technological Focus for Smart Environments
  • Smart City Examples and Case Studies
  • Architecture for Secure and Interactive IoT
  • Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development
  • Transportation Management Traffic Theory, Modeling and Simulation
  • Social Implications for IoT Intelligent
  • Systems for IoT and Services Computing

Track 3. Emerging Technologies

  • Big data analytics
  • Business Intelligence
  • Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing
  • Smart Systems
  • High Performance Computing
  • Knowledge Management
  • Social Computing
  • Video Analysis
  • Segmentation Techniques
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Bioinformatics and Medical informatics
  • Chemoinformatics
  • Computer Vision
  • Digital Twin
  • Holographic Communication
  • Holographic Computing
  • Image Processing
  • Geographic Information Systems

Track 4. Unmanned Systems

  • Robotics and Automation
  • Airspace Control
  • Internet-of-Drones
  • Airspace Management
  • UAV Regulations
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Air Vehicle Operations
  • Manned/Unmanned Aviation
  • Smart Sensors
  • Biologically Inspired UAS
  • Control Architectures
  • Navigation and Path Planning
  • Energy Efficient UAS
  • UAS Applications
  • Fail-Safe Systems
  • Reliability of UAS
  • UAS Communications
  • Safety and Security
  • Situation Awareness
  • Learning and Reasoning
  • Cooperation

Track 5. Communication and Networking

  • Wireless Protocols
  • AdHoc Networks
  • Wireless/ Mobile Communication
  • Quantum Computing
  • Satellite Communication Systems
  • Computer Aided Network Design
  • Surveillance
  • 3G/4G Network Evolutions
  • 5G Networks
  • 6G Networks
  • Sensing and Sensor Networks
  • Mobile Adhoc Networks
  • Open Spectrum Solutions
  • Connected Machines
  • Communication Protocols
  • Cognitive Radio
  • Social network
  • Mesh, relay, sensor and ad hoc networks
  • Proxies and middleware for wireless networks
  • Robust routing
  • Intention based routing
  • Edge/Fog Networking

Track 6. Security

  • Cyber-Security
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptography
  • Internet Security
  • Web Services and Performance
  • Secure Transactions
  • Secure Protocols
  • Intrusion and Detection Techniques
  • Security Awareness and Education
  • Security Frameworks, Architectures and Protocols
  • Security Testing
  • Software Security Assurance
  • Threat Awareness
  • Malware Detection
  • Mobile Systems Security
  • Privacy Metrics and Control
  • Privacy, Security and Trust in Social Media
  • Security in IoT and Edge Computing
  • Post-Quantum Security
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography

Submissions & Publication Guidelines

For SMARTTECH 2024, it is imperative to uphold the highest standards of scholarly excellence. To assist authors in contributing valuable and impactful research, we provide detailed guidelines for structuring their submissions. Each paper should be methodically organized into the following sections:


Purpose: Summarize the essence of the paper, including the problem, approach, main findings, and conclusions.

Standard Structure:
• Background or context of the research.
• Gap analysis and statement of the main research problem.
• Overview of the methodology and contributions.
• Key results or findings.
• Implications or significance of the results.

Guidelines: Limit the abstract to 200-220 words, and write clearly and precisely.
Avoid using specialized jargon and ensure that it is understandable to a broad audience within the field.


Purpose: Introduce the problem, set the research context, discuss the literature gap, and state the study's objectives, novelty, and contribution.

Standard Structure:
• Contextual Background: Start with a broad overview of the study area to establish its relevance and importance.
• Literature Gap: Identify and succinctly describe the gaps or shortcomings in current research that your study addresses.
• Research Problem or Hypothesis: State the specific problem or hypothesis clearly, linking it to the identified literature gaps.
• Objectives and Contributions: Outline your study’s objectives and highlight its novel contributions to fill the existing gaps.
• Outline of the Paper: Provide a brief roadmap of the paper’s structure, showing how each part will tackle the research problem and achieve the objectives.

• Begin with a broad context before narrowing down to your specific issue.
• Ensure clarity in how your research fits within and contributes to the wider field, citing essential literature.

Related Work

Purpose: Review existing research related to your topic to demonstrate the necessity of your study and to position your work within the broader field.

Standard Structure:
• Critical Review: Conduct a thorough analysis of the most relevant research, focusing on significant contributions and findings.
• Identification of Gaps: Discuss gaps or limitations in previous studies that your research aims to address.
• Contribution Clarification: Clearly explain how your work extends, complements, or challenges the existing research, thereby making a distinct contribution to the field.

• Avoid Descriptive Nature: Avoid simply listing or summarizing previous works. Focus on providing a critical and analytical perspective that adds value and depth to the discussion. Aim to synthesize the existing literature to provide critical insights rather than a mere descriptive summary.
• Emphasize analytic content that critiques and evaluates the state of the literature, clearly identifying any gaps.
• Make explicit connections between the reviewed literature and your research question to clarify how your work contributes to and advances the field.

Proposed Approach

Purpose: Describe the methods, tools, and techniques used in your research to provide a clear understanding of how the study was conducted.

Standard Structure:
• Methodology and Experimental Design: Provide a detailed account of the research design, including the rationale behind methodological choices.
• Data Sources and Collection Methods: Explain where and how data were obtained, including any sampling strategies or experimental setups.
• Analysis Techniques: Describe the analytical techniques and procedures used to process and evaluate the data.
• Novel Techniques and Tools: Detail any new methodologies, techniques, or tools developed during the research, highlighting their innovation and utility.

• Detail for Replication: Include comprehensive details to allow for replication of the study. This includes specifications of equipment, software versions, and experimental conditions.
• Use of Visual Aids: Employ figures, tables, and charts to clearly illustrate complex methodologies, system architectures, or data structures.
• Clarity in Presentation: Include comprehensive details to allow for replication of the study. This includes specifications of equipment, software versions, and experimental conditions.
• Rigorousness: Maintain high rigor in describing and justifying the chosen methodologies and their application in the study.
• Mathematical Notation and Logical Reasoning: Use clear and correct mathematical notation where necessary, and ensure all logical arguments are coherently presented and well-supported.

Evaluation and Results

Purpose: Present your research findings and critically assess the effectiveness of your approach, demonstrating how the results address the study’s objectives.

Standard Structure:
• Study Objectives: Begin by restating the primary objectives of your study to provide context for the results.
• Primary Results Presentation: Detail the main findings of your research, accompanied by appropriate statistical analysis to validate your results.
• Results Organization: Structure this section by different experiments or types of analysis to maintain clarity and focus.
• Visual Data Representation: Use clear graphs, tables, and charts to clearly illustrate the results, making complex data more accessible and understandable.

• Objective Presentation: Maintain objectivity in presenting results. Clearly differentiate between data-derived conclusions and hypotheses or assumptions.
• Comprehensive Analysis: Discuss both positive and negative findings. Provide a balanced view that considers all aspects of the results, detailing what was successful and what was not.
• Logical Reasoning: Ensure that the interpretation of results is grounded in logical reasoning. Analyze how the findings contribute to the objectives of the study and the field at large.
• Beyond Descriptive Statistics: While using visual aids like charts and tables, avoid merely describing them. Focus on extracting and discussing critical insights and lessons learned from the data. Explain how these findings impact the existing knowledge base and your field of study.


Purpose: Interpret the results, discuss their implications, and suggest future research directions.

Standard Structure:
• Interpretation of the results and their significance.
• Discussion of the implications for the field.
• Identification of limitations and potential improvements.
• Suggestions for future research based on findings.

Guidelines: Link the discussion back to your stated objectives and the literature reviewed in earlier sections.
Critically analyze your findings rather than just summarizing them.

To download the guidelines document and ensure you have all necessary information, click the icon:


Authors are required to use the provided templates for their submissions. Please download the templates using the links below:

Please note that Springer is approved for publication of the conference proceedings. Ensure your submissions adhere to the guidelines specified in the templates.

Evaluation criteria

For the Third International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH 2024), the submission evaluation criteria emphasize the importance of innovative and impactful research. The following aspects will be considered:

Novelty and Contribution

• Originality: Present new, unpublished ideas or approaches. Discuss and clarify the gap with existing literature to highlight the uniqueness and necessity of the research.

• Significance: Provide meaningful advancements or insights that impact the field, solving critical problems, opening new research directions, or introducing innovative techniques.

• Motivation: Clearly justify models, assumptions, and application scenarios, demonstrating how they address existing gaps or challenges.

• Applicability: Demonstrate practical relevance by applying the approach to real-world systems through case studies, experiments, or simulations.

Technical Rigor

• Methodologies Employ robust, appropriate methods with well-justified algorithms, frameworks, and tools relevant to the research problem.

• Validity and Reliability: Clearly demonstrate the validity and reliability of results through thorough testing, replication of experiments, and statistical analysis. Provide detailed descriptions of experimental setups.

• Reproducibility: Ensure work can be reproduced by others through detailed methodology, shared datasets (if possible), and provided code or pseudo-code.

• Comprehensive Evaluation: Include a comprehensive evaluation, comparing the proposed approach with existing methods using benchmark datasets, multiple metrics, and various test scenarios. Discuss limitations and future research directions.

Writing Quality

• Clarity and Organization: Ensure the paper is well-written, with a clear and logical structure that guides the reader through the content effectively.

• Effectiveness of Abstract, Figures, and Tables: Use abstract, figures, and tables effectively to convey key points, making complex information easily understandable.

• Language and Style: Use precise language and a professional writing style. Avoid jargon and clearly define technical terms.

• Adherence to Guidelines: Follow the formatting and submission guidelines provided by the conference, ensuring consistency and professionalism in presentation.

Relevance to Conference Theme

• Alignment: Ensure the paper aligns with the core themes of the conference. The relevance to topics such as AI, IoT, Emerging Technologies, Unmanned Systems, Communication, Networking, and Cyber-Security should be clearly demonstrated and articulated throughout the paper.

• Contextual Integration: The paper should integrate its contributions within the context of these themes, showing how the research advances current knowledge or practice within these specific areas.